Safe Harbour Open Sea – newsletter

Latest newsletter from Safe Harbour:Open Sea, in consortium with Fittie Trust.A great Autumn programme, and combined with Trust offerings of twice weekly yoga sessions (Mon 6pm/ Sat 10am) vegan/gluten free baking (Oct 16), Life Drawing and Craft classes ( details to follow), Sound Festival (Oct 23) and the prospect of our annual Winter Fair (Dec 4th), there is something for everyone at Fittie Community Hall. Phew…Most events are open to ALL. email for details.

Far Flung Fittie Folk

Good news! We have added an online option for our postcard project!

Part of year-long, Fittie-based community arts project Safe Harbour Open Sea, this initiative is aimed at anyone who has moved away from Fittie – we’d love to hear about your new home and new life!

Simply answer a few short questions to connect with the current community and add your story to our exhibition.