Fittie Community Development Trust (FCDT) is a charitable organisation set up in September 2015 by local residents to support the development of the Fittie community. Specifically, to work towards the development of a shared space in the village that would provide the “community hub” necessary as a focus for supporting activities designed to support and enable the growth of a rich and vibrant community for all within Fittie.

The Trust is involved in a range of local groups and activities and listen and learn from what local people say they want from a community asset.

Aims of the Trust

The primary aim of the FCDT is to provide an open access community space for the residents of the Footdee Conservation Area. The objectives of this project are to:

  • secure the Footdee Gospel Hall from Aberdeen City Council, through a Community Asset Transfer under the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015,
  • raise funds to renovate the local disused Gospel Hall and garden to make them ‘fit for purpose’ as a community hall,
  • use the Gospel Hall as a self-funding, non-profit, community facility primarily for the meaningful involvement and empowerment of all residents, of all abilities, of the Footdee Conservation Area.

Subsequent aims of the FCDT are:

  • to fund the running and maintenance costs of the Gospel Hall by letting the Hall out to suitable external organisations and individuals
  • to provide a centre for information on the history and heritage of the Fittie community.

Legal status of the Trust

The FCDT was successfully awarded Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) status by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in June 2016 (charity number SC046775). The outline structure, roles and responsibilities and processes described in the Constitution of the Trust available to download below.

How to become a member

Residents of the village of Footdee are welcome to join the Fittie Community Development Trust to support its projects and have a vote in its future activities. Non-residents who are interested in the village and supporting the Trust are welcome to become Associated members.

If you would like to get involved with the FCDT and/or become a member you can view the details of membership.

The Trust membership form is available to download below.

Please return membership forms to:

FCDT Secretary,
5 Pilot Square
AB11 5DS.

Membership enquiries may also be sent to:  with the Subject “Membership”.

Current Committee

The current committee responsible for the activities of the Trust comprises the following Fittie residents;

  • Lesley Anne Rose – Chair
  • Sara Budge -Treasurer
  • Cheryl Croydon – Secretary 
  • Mike McConnell
  • Diane Miller

Committee members have all attended a training course on ‘Guidance for Charity Trustees’ given by Sandy Mathers, Development Officer at ACVO ‘Aberdeen’s third sector interface’.
