Community hall meeting and plant sale -June

Fittie Community Development Trust invites all neighbours to view and
contribute ideas to draft architect plans for the Fittie Community Hall. The meeting
will be held at the Gospel Hall on New Pier Road on Saturday, 10th June. Come along
anytime between 10.30 and 12 noon.

Fittie Trust Festive Coffee Morning

On the 17th December the Fittie Trust hosted a home bakes and coffee morning to celebrate the festive holidays.  The event was attended by Fittie residents and families as well as visitors to the village. Biscuits and cakes were baked locally by residents and lots of volunteers helped serve tea and coffee throughout the morning as well as all the hard work setting up and tidying away.

Because the village currently has no community venue, a local church was hired for the event using funds from Aberdeen City Council’s festive fund. The event was a great success with lots of guests, many biscuits eaten and merry music to get everyone in the festive mood.

The Fittie Trust used this event as an opportunity to share updates about the community hall project and listen to villager’s comments and suggestions on the plans so far. Posters were used to share information about the progression of the project and show architects designs for the proposed renovations. Board members and volunteers discussed plans with guests and a suggestion box was available for ideas.

A poster was also presented by volunteers from the Fittie Gardening Group, who used this event to locate areas of the village that residents would like tidied and brightened up. Post-it notes were available to add suggestions to a map of the village. Maps of the Gospel Hall garden were also available for people to sketch ideas for what they would like to see in a community garden.

Volunteers from the Fittie Calendar project used the Festive event to sell their remaining Fittie calendars before the end of the year.

Fittie Beach Blog – November


The beach bonfire has come and gone, and the days and nights have already turned colder. I thought this would be the best time to start a blog about Fittie Beach (Aberdeen). At this time of year, the beach gets a lot more interesting. I guess as the weather deteriorates, more stuff gets churned up, moved around and deposited on (or eroded from) the beach. One of the reasons for writing this stuff down is to help me learn more about my local beach. I was lucky enough to live in Fremantle for a couple of years, and when developers planned to extend the marina past South Beach, the Freo community got together in protest. A by-product of that community action was an e-mail list where local surfers, dog walkers and swimmers who used South Beach on a daily basis shared their stories. Many of these accounts described the natural leavings of the Indian Ocean, a treasure trove delivered to my inbox. Well, it turns out the North Sea and the River Dee are pretty good too!


In amongst all the dead leaves washed down the Dee and around into our corner of beach, I found two separate but similar shells. I’ve seen a few of these before but left them be. They’re from a mollusc called an Icelandic Cyprine (also known as an ocean quahog, or Arctica islandica; I had to look that up in my books). They’re quite thick shells, about 8-10 cm across, quite hefty in the hand. It turns out these animals can live for hundreds of years. Biologists can work out their age by using oxygen isotope samples taken from their concentric growth rings; a fancy chemical method akin to counting tree rings. According to Wikipedia (!), one lived for 374 years. Imagine that: some of these shells washing up on the beach could have been home to molluscs older than the Footdee houses. I wonder what I’ll find tomorrow.

Dave Healy


Fittie Beach Blog – October

This blog is about Fittie Beach, Aberdeen. Many villagers have dogs and use the beach most days, in all weathers. The beach is always changing, and there’s a huge variety of stuff that gets washed up. It’s a great place to live.


The sand on the beach is the highest level I’ve ever seen it, in four and a half years of living here. We had a good deposit of Fittie beach ‘sea coal’ the other day – I’ll save that story for another time! Today along the strand line there’s a lot of pink, spongy looking things, up to about 10 cm across although most are about half that. I think these are from a coral called Dead Man’s Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum), but can’t find a picture that matches any of these in the text books.


In the cold light of day, they can look quite gruesome – not just their shapes, but their fleshy colours too. It’s odd how they seem to get washed up en masse, as if some localised turbulent disaster has dislodged them all from the sea bed. The dead crabs seem to get washed up in batches too.


Dave Healy