• Fittie Community Trust AGM

    We will shortly be annoying the date of our annual AGM.

    All members of the Trust are invited to the meeting when we’ll report on activity over the previous year and plans for one ahead. We warmly welcome all members to join us and have their say in the running of the Trust and community hall. Trustees are also elected annually at each AGM.

  • FareShare

    The Fittie Community Trust is a member of FareShare.

    FareShare is the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and tackling food waste.

    As part of the FareShare scheme, CFine redistribute perfectly good, in-date surplus food from the food industry to Community Food Members in North East Scotland. 

    We receive a FareShare delivery weekly on Wednesday mornings at the Fittie Community Hall and all of the food is stored in the pantry area at the back of the hall. This food is free for residents. 

    If you would like to be part of FareShare email the Trust on fittietrust@gmail.com to be included on the mailing list. 

  • Fittie Festive Party 

    Thanks to all of those who turned out for our Fittie Festive Party.

    We flung open the doors of the community hall for a free festive event for Fittie residents supported by Aberdeen City Council’s Community Festive Fund. The Harbour Voices community choir sang a round of Christmas and winter themed songs and we hosted a cracking Christmas Quiz. Ceilidh band Clattering Kist got us on our feet and brought the house down. Thanks to Aberdeen Rotary Club for helping to organise the Tombola.

    These events are a great way to bring the community together and get to know each other socially.

  • Time & Tide

    As part of our Safe Harbour: Open Sea project, we’re delighted to present Time & Tide, which has been created by artist and producer Martin Aitken.  

    Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 January 2022: 10am – 4pm (Drop in)  

    Fittie Community Hall, New Pier Road, Aberdeen, AB11 5DR 

    As the Fittie Community Hall closes its doors for a second phase of redevelopment, we invite you to share the moment of transition and anticipation for the future with us. The Hall is a central part of the Fittie community and Aberdeen as a place where we come together and welcome others. Experience the Community Hall in a new light through our immersive audio-visual installation. We’ll be using images and sound to celebrate the people of Fittie past and present, as well as the community’s history and relationship with the sea. We’ll also be looking forward to the next phase of life for the Hall and Fittie as we journey towards a sustainable future for both. No need to book, just drop in.  

    For more information email: info@openroadltd.co.uk 

  • Fittie Festive Fayre

    The Fittie Festive Fayre is on 4 December 2021 from 14.00 – 16.00.

    We hope that friends of Fittie will pop down for a wee browse, a flutter and a cup of tea.

    We’ll be expecting you!

    Covid guidelines apply and, as with all of our events currently, numbers are limited to 30 at any one time.

  • Mirage Book Launch

    On Sunday 21st November at 7pm, a member of the Safe Harbour: Open Sea team, Victoria Fifield, is launching her new book, ‘Mirage’.

    This story of Victoria’s experiences in the Bedouin city of Rahat is ‘told with humour, humility and honesty’ and offers a glimpse into one of the world’s most rapidly changing cultures. It explores the challenges of working in communities as an outsider, and beautifully illustrates the Bedouin proverb, ‘we learn little from success, but much from failure.’
    Find out more!

  • Fittie Community Choir

    The Fittie choir had a go at contributing to ‘Sing the change’. The recording and accompanying video, made by Geraldine, can be heard/watched on youtube!

  • Safe Harbour Open Sea – newsletter

    Latest newsletter from Safe Harbour:Open Sea, in consortium with Fittie Trust.A great Autumn programme, and combined with Trust offerings of twice weekly yoga sessions (Mon 6pm/ Sat 10am) vegan/gluten free baking (Oct 16), Life Drawing and Craft classes ( details to follow), Sound Festival (Oct 23) and the prospect of our annual Winter Fair (Dec 4th), there is something for everyone at Fittie Community Hall. Phew…Most events are open to ALL. email fittietrust@gmail.com for details.

  • Far Flung Fittie Folk

    Good news! We have added an online option for our postcard project!

    Part of year-long, Fittie-based community arts project Safe Harbour Open Sea, this initiative is aimed at anyone who has moved away from Fittie – we’d love to hear about your new home and new life!

    Simply answer a few short questions to connect with the current community and add your story to our exhibition.

  • Vattenfall funding awarded

    Good news for the Community – Vattenfall who are construction firm behind the wind farm we see from our windows has made an award to the Trust. They support projects that are environmentally sustainable, and funds will go towards meeting the substantial costs of thermal insulation and double-glazed windows for the community hall. Although we still have some more fund raising to do to meet all our renovation requirements, this is a game changer.

    Coupled with the ground source heat pump, they helped to purchase earlier, these improvements will maximise running efficiency, and reduce energy demand, as well has upgrading our space for social events and recreational activities, benefiting residents and visitors.

    Culture Collective’s partnership with the Fittie Community Development Trust was instrumental in our success in obtaining this award since, among other aims, this project seeks to engage creatively, with those in Fittie who are interested in reducing our carbon footprint.