• Support the Community!

    Fittie Hall Community sign created by local artist Teresa Bennett.

    Fittie Community Development Trust (SC046775) was set up to acquire and support the renovation and development of a sustainable, inclusive community space for the benefit of residents of the village of Fittie, visitors and the wider community.

    The means to raise funds to continue the renovation into Phase Two has been stalled by the current Covid 19 pandemic. Because of adherence to government guidelines, renovation work has had to stop; we can’t host the community or hold fundraising events and the majority of usual sources of funding are currently being channelled into necessary Covid support and recovery.

    Our Community Hall is now half way to completion; lacking only new windows, insulation and flooring.

    We are asking friends of Fittie Trust to help get our renovation back on track so that we are in a position to OPEN OUR DOOR to the community, once the country has Covid under control. Now, that will be some party…

    Please donate!

  • Fittie Calendar Project

    Our not-for-profit charity started the Fittie Calendar project several years ago.

    Photos of Fittie and its environs, taken by Fittie residents, friends and family were contributed, and the ones with best resolution for printing were featured in the calendar.After printing costs, all monies went towards the ongoing renovation of the Community Hall.

    Trustee, Anne, who organises and manages the calendar project gave her time and energy free of charge!

    Very popular with Fittie loons and quines who live overseas, we are pleased to say that Fittie Calendars have hung on walls from Canada to New Zealand and Australia to South Africa.

    This year, we would very much like to have the calendar ready for Summer visitors and we are asking all friends of Fittie to consider contributing a high quality photo or two for consideration for Fittie Calendar 2022.

    As before, photos should represent a month or a season in Fittie…

    All photos should be sent before the end of January 2021 . Email for more information.

  • Fittie Tote Bags!

    It’s here!

    Stocks of the fabulous new Fittie tote bag/ shopper arrived just before Christmas and are still available!

    These high quality heavy cotton bags feature photos of iconic Fittie sheds, taken by Chris Sansbury.

    Our last shopper sold out quickly, so don’t delay, order yours today!

    Cost: £10 (plus postage and packing if you don’t live locally)

    All monies, after printing costs, go towards the renovation of Fittie Community Hall. Email Mary Falconer at

  • Back by popular demand!

    Last year, the Trust launched the sale of the “Fittie” tea towel, drawn for us by local artist, Neil Hebden. This large, cotton tea towel, features the Fittie Squares and their immediate surroundings. A great keepsake for yourself or a gift for friends or family who have links to Fittie. Also, these are easy to buy just now, during lockdown, when we are less able to go out shopping. Price is £8 plus P&P Pay by cheque or Paypal Contact: or 07875553078

  • Our first ticketed event – a sellout success!

    Here are some photos from last Friday’s Stovie night in the Fittie Community Hall. It was a sellout event with over 70 tickets sold and nearly £500 raised towards the renovation of the community hall. Thank you to all our members who contributed to making this evening such a success including donating raffle prizes and chairs to sit on and helping set-up and clear-up and most importantly coming along.

    A special thank you to the CFINE for our tasty stovies, Scylla Sea Cadets for loaning us tables and the Mission Hall for loaning us chairs and finally Aberdeen Ukes for getting old and young up and dancing to your lovely music!

  • Fittie Stovie social evening

    Tickets have now sold out for our upcoming social event this Friday 15th March. This is our first ticketed event in the hall so we’re delighted to have so many folk coming along.

    We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone at 6pm with stovies served between 6.15 and 7pm followed by live music from ukulele band the Aberdeen Ukes. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be served or you can BYOB (bring your own bottle not beetroot!). See you Friday!

  • Glitter Pick 2018

    Thank you to volunteers who took part in the 2018 Glitter Pick.

    The Glitter Pick is a 24 hour litter picking day where volunteers across the city carried out an hour of cleaning up around their area and encouraged people to be responsible with their litter.

    The event was organised by Aberdeen City Council and the Fittie Gardening Group recruited volunteers to clean up the Fittie beach area.

  • Funding application for community hall renovation submitted

    The FCDT has submitted our final application for capital funding (to renovate the Gospel Hall) to the Big Lottery Community Assets fund. We look forward to sharing news on the success of our application with the community in March 2018.

  • Aberdeen City Council have accepted our offer to buy the Gospel Halll

    On Thursday the 29th June the Finance and Policy committee at Aberdeen City Council agreed to sell us the Gospel Hall through ‘community asset transfer’. This will be the first asset transfer that the Council have done, making the Fittie Community Development Trust trailblazers in community activity through asset transfer.

    Local media coverage of this news is available HERE.

  • Fittie Community Hall designs

    Fittie community hall designs have been drafted by local firm Ian Rodger Architects with a grant from a Scottish Land Fund. Architect’s drawings are available to view HERE